So the last time I posted about our debt..WAY back in July...we were at $7,863. Today, December 31, 2012, our balance is $694. I had really really really hoped to have it completely paid off before January 1, 2013, but all things considered, it's really amazing that we've come this far. For example, in November, we had a busted pipe under the house. It was leaking nasty water and who-knows-what-else under our foundation. It looked like a swamp under there. It was a $3,000 job to remove the gunk and replace the pipe. THANKFULLY, our homeowners insurance covered the majority of it and we ended up paying about $200 out of pocket. It was another miracle. The plumber said that he RARELY sees an insurance company pick up the tab for this type of issue.
We have had so many experiences like this that have just really been incredible. 2012 was good to us, and I have a feeling 2013 is going to be even better!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (Look for me on January 15th when Eric gets paid again - I'll be doing the Debt-Free-Happy-Dance!!)
I just want to thank everyone who bought pies, cinnamon rolls, crochet goodies, sewing services, etc, etc. We really couldn't have done this without you!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Goodbye 2012, and Goodbye DEBT!!!
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10:25 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Our "Debt-Free by 2013 Plan" is in full swing! We have been so blessed. Here are the numbers:
April 2, 2012: Balance $10,026.00
July 10, 2012: Balance $7,863
Truly incredible. So, many miracles are taking place. We are going to have to cut back on our payment this month because we will be taking a roadtrip to Arkansas. Not what we had in mind for this year, but my Grandpa, who just turned 90, is getting baptized. Miracle. Grandpa has always been incredibly supportive of my Grandma, and the church, but has never had much interest in being a member himself. He met some sweet sister missionaries who were able to wiggle their way into his heart and teach him the gospel. I told Eric I wasn't missing this for the world, and I felt very strongly that we all needed to be there. So we're gonna make it happen.
In the meantime, I decided that I wanted to make some blackberry pies to sell to benefit our Debt-Free Plan. I figured I'd have enough berries to make about 10 pies. I figured at $10 each I'd make $100 to put on the credit card. At first the sales were slow-going (advertised on Facebook), and then I had to turn people away. :-( I just took the 10th pie out of the oven and still have ripe berries to make 2 or 3 more pies...and the blackberry bush is still exploding...Miracle. The blackberry bush has new blossoms...Miracle. Blackberry bushes only blossom once. Seriously. Call me crazy, but I think that since Heavenly Father is so supportive of our Debt-Free Plan, He has made the blackberries over-produce so that I can sell more pies. It is truly miraculous.
Posted by
12:39 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Easter in Vegas
Last week, Eric found out that he was going to need to travel to Las Vegas for work. He was going to fly out Sunday evening and return Monday evening. But the non-stop flights from Vegas to Fresno on Monday weren't lining up the way he would need, so his boss suggested that he drive...and take his family along! We had such a fun weekend. We left Saturday morning, got to Vegas around 3:00, and the girls immediately wanted to go swimming. The weather was warmer than it has been in Fresno - probably in the upper 70's. We took a quick dip in the pool then headed out to Circus Circus for dinner. We ate at the buffet, where I gorged myself, then headed up to the kids gaming area. They have a little setup in the middle of the room for circus-type performances. We could see the ropes and nets for a trapeze and thought that would be really cool to see. Well, they do different performances every half hour, and the performance we got to see was a couple of roller-skaters doing tricks on the smallest roller-rink stage I've ever seen. No trapeze for us, but that's ok - the rollerskaters were pretty incredible.
Sunday, Anna woke us up with, "The Easter Bunny came!!" The kids had left a note at home for the Easter Bunny asking him to find us in Las Vegas. They were thrilled to have a little Easter egg hunt in the hotel room. After breakfast, we went to church in Henderson. We met up with a friend of Eric's from college so it was nice to see some familiar faces. Sunday afternoon we just hung out in the hotel room for a couple hours, then headed out to the monorail to take us to the MGM Grand for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. We stayed at the Marriott right by the convention center so the monorail station was literally right across the street. The girls were begging to ride the "train" so it worked out nicely. They loved it. They loved everything...their little eyes and minds just took it all in. So here are some shots from the Rainforest Cafe. I took all the pictures with my phone, so not the best quality. Silly me forgot the real camera.
So on Monday Eric had to actually work (you know, the reason why we were in Las Vegas...) so the kids and I headed up to the Las Vegas temple. It was beautiful, of course. We walked around the grounds for a bit, until we all realized we needed to go potty. Thankfully, there was a church building right next door and people were there, so we got to go in and use the facilities!
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11:18 AM
Monday, April 2, 2012
Debt Free by 2013
So, remember my post about how I'd been feeling really anxious about something...and I thought it had to do with my house? I think that was only part of it. I think the other part of it was that it was time for us to start thinking more about getting out of debt. It started when I got a credit card offer in the mail from Chase. I usually just throw them away, cuz let's face it, the last thing we need is another credit card! But I think I was inspired to open this one up. It offered 0% financing on balance transfers through May 2013. Let me back up a few years. In 2006, we had just bought our house, and we did something stupid. We let the dumb salesman in the door. He sold us a water softener. Stupid, stupid, stupid. It's been 6 years now and I still want to punch myself for letting that man in the door. You know how "they" say that it is hardest to forgive yourself? It's true. Anyway, we put the balance on a credit card. Not long after that, the economy started to take a nosedive. Times got tough. We started using the credit card for things like groceries and other "necessities". At the time, we really thought we didn't have a choice. Long story short, here we are six years later and with more debt than we'd like to have looming above our heads. We made the commitment about 2 years ago to stop using the card. And I'm proud to say we've stuck to our guns! However, interest charges have made it very difficult to pay the balance down.
I was not going to post exact amounts here, but you know what..I think I will. I think I need to get it off my chest, put it out there as part of the healing/forgiving myself process. It's embarrassing and I'm ashamed, but I want to use this as a way to track our progress and maybe have some cheerleaders along the way...please be gentle with me. :-) On February 28, 2012, I transfered $13,160.00 to the Chase 0% interest card. It was my goal to have the balance paid off by May 2013. 15 months. That was going to be really pushing it on our current budget. I talked to Eric and we agreed that we would really place our focus on the debt. Other "wants" would just have to wait. Tax returns would go straight to the balance. Eric's end of year bonus would go straight to the balance. Anything extra we might get...straight to the balance. It is amazing what that kind of resolve can do to change your perspective on things. Identifying wants vs. needs. Planning the grocery list based more on survival than what looks the most delicious. *I love to try new recipes and make delicious food...but we agreed that we'd put that on hold and keep it simple. My first trip to the grocery store after we made this decision, I spent $20 less than my average. The 2nd trip to the grocery store...I spent $60 less than my average!!! I canceled our Costco membership a couple years ago - I guess partially blaming Costco for some of the debt (obviously not Costco's fault, but you know...) I've realized that now that our family has grown quite a bit since then, that bulk shopping will actually benefit us I'm going to get a Sam's Club membership to help us save even more on groceries. $40 for a membership will be so worth it in the amount I will save buying pull-ups and snacks there rather than Winco.
Okay, so another little side note. It's gonna get a little spiritual up in here. Not one week after we made our decision to put everything we have towards the debt, Eric's boss called him into his office. He said, "Eric, I want to give you a raise." I think, if I'm doing my math right, it turned out to be about an 11% raise. Our first thought was, "Think what that will do to help us make our payments!!" And then it struck me that this was a blessing straight from Heaven. It is my belief, and I know it now more than ever, that Heavenly Father knows each one of us individually. He knows our struggles, He knows our strengths, and most importantly, He knows our hearts. I believe that He knows how badly we want this to happen, and He paved the way for us through this raise. I am so grateful for my faith, and for my amazing blessings! (Oh and hooray for my husband working super hard and earning the raise!!!)
So with the raise, I have sorta' changed our goal...I want the debt gone by January 1, 2013. 9 months from yesterday. Here's the kicker...I really think we can do it!!!
Moving on, here are some things we've done or are doing to save money:
- After we got the credit card, we received an offer in the mail from Chase, that if we opened a Chase checking account, they would give us $150. Sold. $150 more to put towards the balance!
- We will be taking the difference in pay from the raise and having it directly deposited into the Chase checking account. That way we won't see it - we will continue to live off the budget we've had, and imagine that money does not exist. All of it will go towards the balance.
- I read on our power company's website that you could earn a 20% credit on your bill if you save "x" amount of energy through the winter. I lowered our thermostat and just got an e-mail letting me know I earned the credit! Seems small, but every little bit helps!
- I will not be cutting my hair again until we are out of debt! I'm in desperate need of a haircut, but I'm sacrificing!!! So if I look like a ragamuffin for the next 9 months, you know why! ;-)
- Plan simple menus ahead of time, shop only for the items needed and refrain from grabbing extras. It is amazing what this has done for me!
- Every time I think about buying something that is not a necessity, I write down the cost of the item, and I refrain from purchasing! It is interesting to see how the dollar here and dollar there add up to something pretty significant.
- I've sorta' made a game of it...see where I can save whole attitude about money has is invigorating!!!
- We canceled our home phone - we're paying enough for our cell use having two different phones!
- We haven't paid for TV in years. We had Dish for a while, several years ago, but have not had it for quite some time. We pay $7 something for Netflix and nothing else. Sooo worth the savings!
- We pay our tithing to the church. 10% of everything we earn goes to the church. I know we are majorly blessed for this.
- I'm keeping a 2013 Debt Free Bucket List...I'm writing down all the things I want to do or buy when we are debt free. It gives me something to work towards, something to hope for. It will be so worth it to wait for these things. And some of the items are so simple, it seems silly, but it will be so much sweeter after our hard work.
- I buy my shampoo at the Dollar Tree. Yup. There, I said it. VO5 happens to be one of my favorites. Is it the best shampoo? No. Does it clean my hair? Yup.
- I'm selling cinnamon rolls for next Conference...locals let me know if you're interested!
February 28, 2012: Balance $13,160.00
April 2, 2012: Balance $10,026.00
We just got our tax refund so that took out a very large chunk! This is very very exciting for me!!!
Posted by
2:11 PM
Thursday, March 29, 2012
A Few of My Favorite Things
Time is flying by so quickly - and there are so many things I want to remember. I really need to start writing things down more! So I was compiling a list in my head yesterday of cute things my kids are doing, and other things that, at this point in my life, are making me happy.
*Anna declaring to me "Mommy, you're awesome!!"
*Ian giving the best little hugs and kisses
*Ian wrapping his little arms around my legs
*Ian's dimply face when he smiles
*Haylie sitting in her bed at night with a flashlight reading chapter books
*Haylie getting embarrassed when talking about a boy at school
* Eric cleaning my kitchen and keeping it looking beautiful!
*Eric working super hard and recently earning a raise to better support our family
*Working towards being debt-free!! Our goal - debt free by 2013. I think I will be blogging more about this later...
*Healthy kids!! We've had a lot of illness floating around here lately and it is soooo nice when everyone is healthy!
*I'm running now! I think I might even be able to call myself a runner! Currently training for a 5k, then will move on to 10k, then if I am still alive, a half-marathon! The Disneyland half-marathon to be exact. Erin, thank you for being my running buddy - I would soooo not be doing it without you!!!
*My piano. I don't get to play as often as I would like, but I do love to play. Grateful for my calling at church that forces me to practice - I've improved soooo much over the last 3(!) years.
*Haylie learning to play piano - that girl is good! :-)
*Future Anna...I have a feeling that future Anna is going to be one incredible girl. She is such an independent, confident, strong-willed little 4-year-old. When she learns to harness all those traits, she is going to be a strong, independent, take-crap-from-nobody kind of chick. For now, I must endure, and do my best to help her learn to harness the energy, but I look forward to meeting future Anna.
*Ian. Just Ian. I don't want to play favorites....but...*wink wink* Man, I love that kid.
*Knowing, now more than ever, that my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me. I am so blessed.
I know there's more...I'll continue adding to the list as they come to me.
Posted by
11:25 AM
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Big Boy Bed
I needed a good excuse to sit down, and realized it has been a long time since I have blogged. Life is busy - and I've been crazy busy reorganizing my entire house! About a month ago, I started to feel very anxious about my house - feeling like there was something I was supposed to be doing, or something. Like Heavenly Father was trying to tell me something but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I've been feeling like we're outgrowing the house (which we are) - the house is 997 sq.ft. with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. A master bedroom, all three kids squeezed into one room, and an office/playroom/sewing room that was just not working out. I couldn't get on top of the messes being made. So, after much prayer and consideration, I realized that we just need to work really hard to make our limited space work - be smart about it - sacrifice! So, we decided to give Ian his own room. The office/playroom/sewing room was not working, so let's get rid of it! For the last week, we have been moving furniture, and rearranging all three rooms in the house. Here's a summary of what has taken place:
*bought a smaller, simpler headboard and footboard for our bed (solid oak sleigh bed still for sale - $200obo)
*moved the TV out of our room (!) will replace it with a flat screen someday...
*moved an entire dresser from our room (now storing some clothes in boxes under the bed)
*moved the computer desk and sewing table into the master bedroom
*removed crib (which is still for sale - $50) from kids room
*got the girls' old toddler bed out of the rafters and painted it green for Ian
*moved all of the girls' toys into their bedroom (now that the crib is no longer in there)
*rearranged closets in Ian's room and master bedroom
There is still a lot of work to be done (and a lot of stuff to be thrown away or stored) but man I feel so good about the progess so far!
Ian (who is almost 15 months old) LOVES his new room. He can't tell me he loves it with words, but his actions are pretty clear. The first couple nights he was in his big-boy bed, he was in the room with the girls. It took about an hour each night to get him to settle down and go to sleep. This is typical when you first make the transition from crib to bed, but last night was his first night in his own room and he did not get out of bed ONCE! Eric tucked him into bed, and we never heard another peep out of him! Same story with his morning nap today. I tucked him in and he was out. I think he really values the quiet (I don't blame him - his sisters are just too much sometimes!!) This morning when he woke up, he immediately started playing with some of his toys and I just heard cute sounds coming from his room. He is so happy! And so am I!
I never thought that losing our "extra" room would make me feel so much better, and feel like I have MORE space than before, but I do! It is such a great feeling. I really wish I had "before and after" shots, but for now, this picture will have to do. Ian fell asleep on the floor yesterday. I think he was admiring himself in his cute little mirror and wore himself out! ;-)
Posted by
10:35 AM