Thursday, July 12, 2007


So I like to attach pictures to my blogs - and oh how I wish I had a picture to go along with this story! But...I will explain. A few days ago, Haylie had wandered down the hall and was pretty quiet for a while (silence usually means trouble!!). I went to check on her and found her in the bathroom, sitting on her stool, playing with a mascara bottle I had just thrown away. So, it was mostly dried up but still had some mascara in it. She had opened it and spread it all over her face - mostly around her mouth - I think she may have thought it was lipstick. So I couldn't help but laugh because she really thought she was making herself pretty with Mommy's makeup. I decided to hold her up to the mirror so she could see how funny she looked...well, she did not think it was very funny. She started bawling at the sight of her dirty face. I wanted sooo badly to take a picture of her, but she was seriously distraught, so, I felt too bad leaving her there to go get the I am regretting it, but thought I'd share the funny story anyway.


Jenn said...

That picture would of been pretty funny. What a great story. It's about time you updated your blog, geesh!!