In honor of my 100th blog post, I am gonna' make it a doozie. I have fallen a little behind in posting pictures because I've been a little bitter for the last few weeks. Anna has been sleeping through the night again for about a week or so, and I am JUST starting to feel like I've caught up on my sleep. I got to the point where I was barely functioning day to day. Anyway, I have a lot to catch up on so here goes:
This is our family trip to the pumpkin patch - it was really hot that day - there's something wrong about picking out pumpkins in the heat. I'm really starting to love the Fall. I love the colors, and although I don't have a lot of Fall decorations, I am starting to enjoy decorating for the season - and I also love the smells of the season.
Haylie got to go on a field trip with her cousin Tyler's preschool class (Anna and I got to go too)
ANOTHER pumpkin for the porch
Here's Haylie standing with the preschool class. I tell you - she fit right in - she was following instructions and not being shy at all.
They had a little "storytime" at the beginning and here's Haylie sitting with the class. I couldn't believe how well she fit in with those kids who were, for the most part, about a year older than she is. I can't wait to get her into preschool next year - and neither can she! She is always sad when her older friends go to school and she can't go.
We traveled down to Fallbrook last weekend for my dad's retirement party. 35 years with the fire department! Congratulations Dad! This is a quilt my mom made for him out of his old work t-shirts. Pretty cool, huh?
My brother Jeff and his family were at the party too and he is a falconer. Ever heard of it? Well, he is licensed to keep some wild birds like red-tailed hawks, etc. Here Eric is holding my brother's hawk, Bullet. He was such a beautiful bird. And so tame. My brother had to trap him from the wild and he has only had him about 3 weeks - we could even pet the bird's head and he didn't ever get frazzled by us.
I know I'm a big dork who is moderately obsessed with animals, but I LOVED holding this bird. It was a little intimidating staring him in the eyes at such a close proximity - but soooo cool!
Haylie got to see bunches of cousins. Here she is with her cousin Shea wearing firehats in honor of Grandpa Garry. What you can't see is that they were also wearing Grandma Jo's shoes!
MacGyver strikes again. Eric figured out a way to mount our latptop to the back of the driver's seat of the car so that Haylie could watch movies on the trip. Notice the headphones? That is so she could watch whatever she wanted and WE didn't have to hear it! Eric listened to talk radio and I listened to my iPod. It was quite the setup, I must admit.

Haylie would have been a close second in her ladybug costume. My friend sent me a picture of a ladybug costume several months ago and I thought it was so cute - so I recreated it and made this sucker from scratch! *Patting myself on the back* I was very pleased with how it turned out.