Monday, June 29, 2009

Haylie's Artwork

Haylie is becoming quite the little artist. My favorite is when she draws our family.

This one is Daddy, Haylie (and Haylie's hair!), Anna, and 3 moons. I am not in this picture because, according to Haylie, I was at the store.

This one she drew at church in her Sunbeam class. In order from left to right: Mommy, Daddy, Haylie, Anna. And at the top she was trying to write her name - she knows how to write her whole name if I tell her what letters to write. But on her own, apparently all she could remember was H and E. Soo cute.

I got her to write all our names on this one. This time me and Eric got the crazy hair!

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Jenn said...

Lookin' good Haylie!

sueyado said...

I love her pictures! By the way, I still have her picture that she drew when she spent the day with me! I just keep forgetting to get it to you! :)

Bippert Family said...

Haha! I love the pictures! She is quite the artist!