Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The World in Haylie's Eyes

We decided to give Haylie our old camera to play with. She has had lots of fun over the last couple weeks taking pictures. It has been fun to see what the world looks like from her little perspective...

Here she is with her camera

This is a shot of her 3 year old picture on the wall

I think she has a thing for feet...

Anna's feet

Haylie's foot - notice the camera lens cap hanging down

There are about 8 shots identical to this one of her feet...she kept moving her toes

Those are my hands on on the keyboard

A couple shots of Anna

To see all of her silly pictures, click here.


kelly said...

Not too bad! Ben has been in to taking pictures lately, he gets a lot of feet too, I think he only takes those because it's hard for him to push the button with the camera pointing up though!